
I have always enjoyed illustrating throughout my childhood. That passion has created the visual artist I am today who loves to challenge myself through the process of creating stories for others. I pick up inspiration from anyone who does art, including people who make designs for magazines, advertisements, posters, books, and shows. One of my inspirations is my mom who is a graphic designer and illustrator. She created beautiful illustrations for her book cover projects like Three Little Birds and The Boy From Nine Miles while I was growing up and it always inspired me by watching her work very hard. I have wondered to myself if I could do that as a career since then. College has pushed me to create the kinds of projects I always wanted to make such as books, zines, posters, and more. 

Graphics and illustrations contain both simple and complex storytelling messages for viewers. Throughout my education, at my University, I have gained a strong understanding of how complex stories can be and have learned to bring that knowledge to projects as a designer. I enjoy stories about global society and culture, making imaginative and true stories into art, and the way advertising has the ability to tell stories. By practicing design skills throughout my internships I have been able to improve my design work greatly throughout the past couple of years. 

At a very young age, I learned how to draw by watching and loving so many cartoons from Cartoon Network during the early 2000s which fueled my big creative imagination. I develop very unique and ambitious ideas when it comes to designs and drawings. I have received a few achievements, such as winning contests in some of my University classes and receiving student of the month from my major’s department.

I have strong skills in Illustrator, Procreate, and InDesign, and other skills in Photoshop, After Effects, and Blender. One of my main strengths is my creative drive for storytelling and I will always be motivated to illustrate and design ideas into reality. Visiting museums and galleries with friends also enhances my creative drive. During my free time, I enjoy watching fun shows and reading comics.

I identify myself as a very determined, passionate creator who never gives up and stays focused on concepts and projects with the goal of making satisfying results for clients and myself. My intention is to always create the best quality work possible. My long term goal is to continue to learn and grow more as a graphic designer, illustrator, and maybe even an animator as well.